Not a Review, But a Warning – Terminator Salvation 3.75-Inch T-600

In my Terminator Salvation T-700 review, posted yesterday, I wrote:

“I know that I liked this piece enough that I’m going to go out and try to find the T-600 and the T.R.I.P figures.”

Well, you can scratch the T-600 off that list. I was in Target and spotted the 3.75-inch T-600 and immediately put him back on his peg. The figure is over-sized in comparison to other 3.75-inch action figures and, worse yet, it’s very ugly. The face color is bright, the sculpt is weak, and everything I could spot through the blister made me decide that this is an awful action figure.

So I didn’t buy him but, instead, left him right there with several other T-600s. We may have found the peg warmer for this series. Well, him and the human characters.