Not Quite Jack Bauer 12-Inch Scale Action Figure from Play House
Play House, a Hong Kong company specializing in 12-inch scale action figures and accessories, has released photos of their GSG-9 — German counter-terrorism (see Wikipedia) — action figure that almost looks like Jack Bauer from the 24 series*. Several photos of the action figure are over at OneSixthWarriors.

The photos look great, and looking over the Play House website I see that the company has released several good looking figures. I especially love this harness accessory kit. Nice!

*Affiliate link: Orders using this link earn cash, which is applied to buying toys.
Love Jack Bauer. What happens in cases like this. The figure gets produced until some representative of Sutherland notices and files an injunction?
@Prem1x – Yeah, it looks like these 12-inch scale figures that are based on actors just exist out there until someone steps in and puts an end to it. From what I can tell the manufacturers are all outside of the US, and the runs are extremely low, so many actors just let it pass.