Official Mythbusters Trading Cards at San Diego Comic Con
I ran into Len Peralta (website, Twitter) yesterday and, as always, had a fun time chatting about work and art and whatever else came to mind. It didn’t hurt matters at all that we had some prime seating in the roped off area at the Geek and Sundry (website) event . . . but that’s a talk for another day.

Anyway, Len showed me his newest Geek a Week trading card set, a SDCC exclusive card set for the Discovery Channel’s “Mythbusters” series. If you’re unfamiliar with Geek a Week check the official website, but it’s basically a chance for Len to have fun illustrating influential geeks in film, music, games, and anything else Len finds fun. Neat cards. And it was very neat to see these “Mythbusters” cards.

And I want to thank Len for letting me be a part of the distribution of the cards at the show; I was handed one pack (the cards are pretty rare at the moment) and authorized to give it away to one lucky person at our booth. Such an honor to be part of this; thank you, Len, for thinking of me and giving me the chance to be a very small part of your project.