Okay, Mattel, Let’s Not Screw Up in May
Check out this ad for the upcoming Masters of the Universe Classics Optikk action figure (mentioned here). I’m not completely clear on why Mattel is spending money to advertise this line — I’d rather they take the cash and run a few more of each release — but I’m hoping that everything works out right in May and I get an Optikk. I know we’ve been over this before, but until Mattel reduces their maximum orders to 5 I’m gonna keep complaining. Unless, of course, we get to the point that the toys are available for at least a month after release.

They run ads because they like rubbing collectors’ noses in how cool the figures are that they may or may not be able to acquire?
You can be sure of three things in this world: death, taxes, and that Mattel will screw up in May.
And June.
And July.
And April…
It’s not until at LEAST June that we’ll be seeing increased numbers, so trying for new figures this month and next is going to be every bit as impossible as the months before, especially now that Toys ‘R Us has brought in new customers with their two-packs. I think it’s gonna be ugly for a while.