OMFG Series One at Kickstarter
Part of working so much lately has meant that I’ve been behind on browsing forums and catching fun discussions and projects. It’s unfortunate, because it means that I basically missed out on this OMFG – Outlandish Mini Figure Guys project that’s now live over at Kickstarter.
But just because I’ve been busy at the office doesn’t mean that I’m too busy to support what looks like a fun project.

The prototypes are finished and we are ready to move forward with overseas production. With the help of Kickstarter contributors like yourself, we look forward to making this first series – of what we hope to be a continuing line of community created figures – a reality.
These M.U.S.C.L.E.-like toys are just waiting for your help, so now’s your chance to hop in and support a group of independent toy makers as they try to bring some truly fun designs to life.
These toy figures ROCK!
In case anyone wants to know the
URL to the Outlandish Mini Figure Guys
on Kickstarter, here it is :
@Krakit – I think that’s the same page I linked to in the post. Did something change, or am I just extra tired and missing something this morning?
You didn’t miss anything.
I just got excited and wanted to
post the URL again for anyone
who read the comments.