One Way to Get a Book Early . . .

When I mentioned Paolo Bacigalupi’s upcoming The Doubt Factory yesterday (posted here) I wrote:

I wonder if there’s any way that I can convince the book’s publisher to ship me a copy of Paolo Bacigalupi’s next book, The Doubt Factory (,*) early. You know, so that I can read the book and have a review ready to go just as soon as the book hits store shelves.


And then I was randomly searching eBay for books and typed in “paolo bacigalupi” . . . which soon led to me ordering an advanced copy of The Doubt Factory. I’m willing to bet that when the publisher sent out advance copies of Bacigalupi’s new book — four months before the scheduled release — the plan wasn’t for me to buy a copy on eBay. BUT that’s exactly what I have done. And knowing me, I’ll still go ahead and buy the actual book when it’s released. All this is doing is letting me read the book early. Sweet!

If you want one there seem to be plenty left: