oOMoSOo’s “Skeletor” Color Blank

You know, I’m starting to think that oOMoSOo (blog, Flickr, Etsy) is making these things just to make me cry and rush over to his Etsy shop. Here we get a peek at a customized Color Blank toy from Roseart . . . get a look at the toy here. But don’t bother trying to buy this custom, because I already did.

Click to visit the October Toys forum!

This custom is gonna go awesome with the Skekiltor toy (review here) and this again makes me think that I need to hold a Skeletor-themed custom toy and art show somewhere. After all, don’t we all want to see more Skeletor-inspired work?

5 thoughts on “oOMoSOo’s “Skeletor” Color Blank

  1. ” this again makes me think that I need to hold a Skeletor-themed custom toy and art show somewhere.”

    Uhhhh… you mentioned it, and we all went ape poop over the idea a loooooong time ago. Ball’s in your court, buster!

  2. Okay, fine. Skeletor show it is. Someone create me an awesome Skeletor image to use to announce the show, and what we’ll do is hold an online event. Let me try to work out an awesome prize for #1.

    I’ll give this serious thought and try to announce something in the next week or so.

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