Comic – Own Castle Grayskull

Just a few more days until the deadline to pre-order Castle Grayskull so I decided it would be fun to post a simple new Masters of the Universe comic to the site. As with the subscription drive comics that I created a few months ago (A Message from Skeletor, A Message from He-Man, and A Message from Demo-Man) this silly comic was fun to put together and isn’t at all serious.

The big difference this time, though, is that I have pre-ordered Castle Grayskull at Matty Collector. In the end I decided I would be upset with myself if I passed on this giant playset.

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7 thoughts on “Comic – Own Castle Grayskull

  1. I am still debating on this. I guess if i could see what it really was going to look like it would help


  2. Great work.

    @Marv – I would think the debate is pretty simple – do you like the Classics line so far? If you trust what they have done so far, it is an easy buy. If you hate Classics, then definitely no.

  3. I don’t collect MOTUC. I don’t own a single figure from the line. I think they are great and I have admired every single one of them online but I just never jumped on board for various reasons. However I did jump on the Castle Grayskull train and pre-order. This sucker is going to be awesome and I am sure will be worth every penny of $250.

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