Marchon Road Bots, December of 2008
NOTE: I first posted this back on December 25, 2008 at my old Livejournal blog….
NOTE: I first posted this back on December 25, 2008 at my old Livejournal blog….
I kinda remember these toys, but not so well that I instantly said “hey, those…
Today’s look at a 1985 newspaper focuses on a N.Y. Times article by Lisa Belkin….
A year ago today I posted an ad for TSR’s Star Frontiers roleplaying game (…
My Universe Expanded book project closed last week (Kickstarter page), and now the tough part…
Subtitled “Real Stuff from Old Comic Book Ads,” Kirk Demarais’ 2011 Mail-Order Mysteries* book is…
I mentioned the 1985 Matchbox Parasites series way back in 2011 (posted here) and today…
Over at GanguStars you can see this 1984 flyer from Remco featuring several great toylines…