New Titan Heroes In Stores!
Matt Doughty of Onell Design shot over the photo of the Titan Heroes toys; look…
Planet Replicas and Judge Dredd Statues
From this year’s Free Comic Book Day issue of 2000 AD comes this full-page ad…
Funko Toy Display at Walmart
Another set of photos from my phone, this time getting a look at the Funko…
Are the D&D Planescape Books Really this Expensive?
While going through the photos on my phone I ran across this shot of the…
Star Wars Black Restock at Walmart
It has been several months now since I last saw the 6-inch scale Star Wars…
Star Wars: Empire vs Rebellion at Gen Con
Hurray! The new Star Wars: Empire vs Rebellion game was launched at Gen Con ….
Aliens Showing at Gen Con
I’m on the way to my first meeting of the day and ran across this….