Paolo Bacigalupi Limited Editions Ordered

I mentioned — and passed on ordering! — both of these books when they were first offered (Ship Breaker mentioned here, The Drowned Cities mentioned here), but as I thought about the novels I realized that now is my best opportunity to grab these before the prices continue to climb.

So I did as any insane person would and I poked around . . . and found reasonably good deals on both! Now I wait for them to arrive.

“Cyberpunk felt urgent. It wasn’t the future 15 minutes out—it was the future sideswiping you and leaving you in a full-body cast as it passed by.”

— Paolo Bacigalupi,, How Cyberpunk Saved Sci-Fi

Ship Breaker* and The Drowned Cities* are companion novels, books set in the same world, but stories that share a common character but do not flow from one to the next. And even though these are classified as YA books, I feel both are fantastic post-apocalypse stories and are truly fun reads.

Having the limited editions on the shelf will make me quite happy, but I think I’ll keep the standard editions for reading purposes and just pull the limited editions down every now and then to admire them.

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