Pics from the Dallas Vintage Toy Store

Gina and I took a drive to Dallas yesterday to visit the Dallas Vintage Toy Store (website). I last visited the store back in January (post here) when I took an afternoon to photograph toys for my Transforming Collections book. Well, the book turned out well and I’ve been given an invitation to visit again when I’m ready to shoot more toys.

For now, though, you can enjoy the new photos I added to the set at Flickr.

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3 thoughts on “Pics from the Dallas Vintage Toy Store

  1. Thanks for turning me onto Dallas Vintage Toys. Had to go to Dallas for work last week and stopped by. Picked up a vintage G1 Roadbuster and Skullcruncher. Really helpful guys and decent prices compared to Ebay.

  2. @Ryan – Cool! Good to hear you got to visit the store.

    What’s funny is they mentioned to me they had just sold a Roadbuster. Very tiny world!

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