Playmobil E-Rangers Instructional Video

Thank you to one of our readers, Openchallenge, who fired off this link to me a few days ago in which he pointed out just how attractive and clean the video looks. An overview of assembling the Playmobil E-Rangers’ Future Planet playset*, what amazes me most has to be the application of the stickers to the pieces. Why can’t I be that precise — and fast! — when applying stickers to toys?

And hey, why didn’t I ever learn the proper video editing skills to create videos half as nice as this one?

5 thoughts on “Playmobil E-Rangers Instructional Video

  1. Wow. From a toy design point of view, that. Playmobil set is phenominal. Working solar cell, led, mechanical doors… Where was this set 20 years ago?

    It’s attention to design and playbility (and avoidance of junk spring loaded action features) that proves why Playmobil is still plentiful today.

    Also, excellentchoice ofmusic for hat video. Remindsme of the IDM-genre of music alot of Indie-games use: upbeat, but also quietly reflective.

  2. @Blayne – Careful. If you look too closely at the Playmobil series you’ll start to see a lot of very cool designs. I have to force myself to not buy one of the sets (I worry I would go mad and start buying them all).

  3. I’ve been feeling that too. I had one playmobil set in ’75, it was a super mundane road contruction set and the figures face looked like a jack o lantern. I never bought one again. I walk right past them at regular stores but they are impossible to miss at the educational toy stores. I think that’s what keeps them going, they are in more chain toy stores than a lot of big lines.

    I resisted the galactic heros hoth vehicles and now I keep seeing the Jedi powers line. Luckily I can’t find a snowspeeder with a canopy still attatched. This is at retail, poor packaging choice. 🙂

  4. Oh, and if you watch any of the videos, you need to see this one. It’s a 5 min. “dramatic interpretation”. It’s in German, but trust me–it’s entertaining enough to bridge the language gap. 🙂

    (There’s French and English versions, but the German one is somehow the best!)

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