Plush MechGodzilla at Entertainment Earth
I’ve got an awesome MechaGodzilla toy that Matt Doughty (Onell Design) gave me last month; I should get this guy up on the site so you can see just how cool he looks. What this particular toy isn’t, though, is soft and huggable. That’s where Entertainment Earth and the Plush MechaGodzilla* step in.

“If you’re a fan of Godzilla, you no doubt love MechaGodzilla, his robotic doppelganger. This Godzilla MechaGodzilla Plush brings him to soft, huggable life! Standing about a foot tall, this silvery toy is sure to delight fans of the Toho films, and save the day. or crush some buildings. You never really know where his loyalties are. Such is the flaw of giant Japanese robotic creatures!”
Now available for pre-order at Entertainment Earth.
* Affiliate link: Orders using this link earn cash, which is applied to buying toys.