Pokethulhu Adventure Seeds and a “New” Thulhu

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NOTE: This was written way back in 2002 as support for the Pokethulhu Adventure Game*. It has been many, many years since I thought about that game. You can see this rpg.net review for more info on the game.

Once you’ve driven back the dark forces, battled evil thulhu, taken a nap, and enjoyed an ice cream cone, it’s time to find something else to do with your time. Following are two new adventure seeds (and a “new” thulhu) for the Pokethulhu Adventure Game* which, with a little work, will keep your players entertained for at least thirty minutes (and maybe even as much as an hour).

Adventure Seeds

These seeds continue from where those in the rulebook leave off. At least, the numbering sequence continues from that point.

Episode Six: Where Are You, Pikathulhu?

Brave little pikathulhu is missing! Waking one morning the cultists find only a short note written in an almost illegible hand on a scrap of cardboard in the place where pikethulhu was last seen. The unsigned note reads:

“Meet me at the old well if you ever want to see pikathulhu again.”

Once they reach the old well they find pikathulhu locked in a small cage. Standing between them and the cage is little Suzy Scarimous and her rare Black Drek Maki thulhu. Suzy screams at the cultists, telling them it isn’t fair that they have such cute thulhus while she has an ugly one. She will not be pacified and dares any who disagree with her to come forward and get what’s coming to them. Defeating her Black Drek Maki will make her start crying. Any cultist who gives her some candy will win her over to their side.

Episode Seven: Queen of the Playground

Seven-year-old Sissy has been terrorizing the pre-schoolers during recess. One of the cultists hears from his younger brother, Scott, that Sissy is mean and a bully and, to make matters worse, she took his lunch money. After a few weeks of such abuse (and asking his brother for help) Scott takes it upon himself to fix her and steals one of his brother’s thulhu.

The action begins when the cultist notices that one of his thulhu (or maybe his only thulhu if he’s still inexperienced) is missing. Grabbing his friends they rush to the playground where Sissy has just finished defeating the stolen thulhu. Staring in amazement the cultists suddenly realize that Sissy’s thulhu isn’t even a thulhu at all . . . it’s a captured and trained Mi-Go-Go!

How Sissy managed to capture a Mi-Go-Go and what the cultists will do about it should make for a very enjoyable game session.

Black Drek Maki

Speed: 5
Power: 10
Hit Points: 5
Aspects: Fishy, Sticky
Weakness: Funguos


Injure: 4 dice (Whipping tentacles, long with suckers, Fishy and Sticky)
Dodge: 2 dice (Flexible, Fishy)
Trap: 2 dice (Sticky Rice, Sticky)
Frighten: 3 dice (Scary Looking Monster, Fishy)

Pokénomicon Excerpt: Much like the Drek Maki the extremely rare Black Drek Maki was first seen in Episode #221: It Burns! and have not been seen since. Black Drek Maki are not typical thulhu (thus the reason for 11 dice worth of attacks) and it is rumored that fewer than a dozen even exist. Training a Black Drek Maki is not for the inexperienced cultist and, as far as everyone can tell, Suzy Scarimous is the only cultist to ever do so successfully.

1 thought on “Pokethulhu Adventure Seeds and a “New” Thulhu

  1. Thank you very much for posting this, Mr. Reed. We’re going to be running Pokethulhu as part of our live-play podcast, YALP, in the next week or so and, as the Owner, I was looking for some things the players won’t have seen in the rule book for inspiration. These are just the ticket.
    Thanks, again.

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