Poll – BattleGrip Magazine or BattleGrip Website?

The first issue is online — download the free PDF from Dropbox — and thank you for the feedback you’ve provided so far. But I’d like to get a bit more information on how to best proceed so I thought a quick poll was the best answer.

Check the sidebar at the right for the poll and please take a moment to vote. Also, any comments about the magazine — or the site — would be very helpful as I put together issue two and as I decided where I go next with things.

Thank you for all of the support and encouragement over the years.

8 thoughts on “Poll – BattleGrip Magazine or BattleGrip Website?

  1. I voted that I would like both รขโ‚ฌโ€ the magazine gives a much better chance to show off your photography and collection, but the website is more frequently updated, doesn’t require downloading a PDF file and waiting for it to load in another application, and can be read in an RSS reader.

    I’m aware that wanting both is a bit selfish on my part. If only one is possible, I’d lean towards supporting the website over the magazine; I’ve never really read print magazines, and I still find the format rather odd for a site that I’ve got used to reading in a browser.

  2. @Stew Wilson – I admit it’s a bit strange. Especially since the site launched in late 2008 and has had fairly regular updates until the hackjob a month or so ago frustrated me. I hate computers at times and don’t have the technical skills to do anything except use something like WordPress.

    But both is a very valid and welcome answer. (And the one I would very likely choose.)

    The other way I’ve considered dealing with things is by creating a “Best of” book. Take several features and reviews and edit/rewrite things and publish a hardcover collection of stuff.

  3. The only concern I’d have with turning it into a magazine is how are people going to find it? You pretty much need the site to pimp the magazine. It’s not like a PDF is indexed and searchable by Google.

    Of course if you want to drop the site and let me host your magazine, I’d be all for that ๐Ÿ˜›

  4. I say both! The magazine is cool,but the delay in news and the fact that finding the time to scroll through a pdf is difficult (that’s putting it lightly) so it’s hard to replace the site.

  5. As much as I would love to vote both, there’s only so much time in a day, and you have the normal operations of one of the best gaming companies out there. Let alone a home life, I know how taxing all that can be.

    Went for website if only because coming here is a daily ritual in the morning to help with the misery of coming into work. Also its nice to have the ability to pick and choose on the stuff im interested in reading about. Albeit that’s usually everything here.

  6. I read and enjoyed the first issue, but found myself thinking at times: “this feels more like a blog post…” Some of the pieces were links to articles on other sites—and my news catcher likely has caught these already.

    I actually would prefer a magazine, but it needs something to make it stand out from a blog–longer, more-in-depth articles perhaps?

  7. While I appreciate all the fine work you’ve done in making the magazine, I’m also partial to the website. In addition to being the most convenient way to read up on cool stuff, I really like the interaction you have with readers, via comments. I’ve even learned a thing or two from others in the community through the comments on this site!

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