Quick Pics – Transformers Universe Acid Storm with Hunger Seeker Upgrade

The unofficial Hunger Seeker Upgrade Kit (available at TFSource) comes packed with missiles and blasters for the three classic Transformers Decepticon Seekers, blasters for the three second generation Seekers, and a secondary pack of missiles and blasters for use with the official Transformers Universe Acid Storm*. As I had some time today I thought I’d snap a few quick pics to show how Acid Storm looks once he’s upgraded.

Enjoy! And be amazed that I kept that Transformers Universe Acid Storm* sealed and in the closet for four years . . . I am still not sure how I managed not to open him before today.

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2 thoughts on “Quick Pics – Transformers Universe Acid Storm with Hunger Seeker Upgrade

  1. Very nice, these look so much better than the missiles! I really hope we get a set for the FOC seekers, though obviously designs would have to be different.

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