Quick Thoughts on Miskatonic School for Girls
Yesterday my copy of the new Miskatonic School for Girls (official website, BGG entry, last mentioned here) deck-building game arrived. After dinner Gina and I sat down to give the game a shot, popping the shrinkwrap open and diving right in after a few moments reviewing the rulebook (the rules are nice and short). Kinda fun and a game I want to play again, but there were a few minor issues that came up as we played.

- Locker Cards – These aren’t exactly defined as “student” cards in the rules, but it’s heavily implied that these go into the student deck. That’s how we played and everything seemed to work okay.
- Minor Typos – Scattered throughout the rules are minor typos that may make you pause when first trying to play. We didn’t encounter anything that kept us from playing.
- Shuffle Your Discards – If you have ever played deck-building games like Dominion* and Resident Evil* then you know to shuffle your discards to make a new draw deck, but the rules failed to mention this.
One great thing about BGG is that almost as soon as I posted my rules questions to the site there were answers. Gina and I played right, but it was nice to have that confirmed.
And that was about it. The game played quickly, with both of us getting quite low on sanity as the game progressed. Adding negative cards that your opposition must deal with immediately is a nice touch, but I think I’ll need several more plays before I can start to see the strategy in the game. Definitely a good entry in the deck-building game genre; with any luck I’ll be able to play a four-player game this weekend.