Ragman: Suit of Souls in October

DC has announced Ragman: Suit of Souls, a one-shot that I’ll have to snag because the Ragman is a fun character (Wikipedia) and I really like the way this artwork looks. And after peeking at Segovia’s Deviant Art page I’m looking forward to seeing what he does with this new one-shot comic.

Click to visit DC's The Source!

“This October, writer Christos Gage and artist Stephen Segovia reintroduce readers to Rory Regan, a man who’s often struggled to reconcile the burden he carries as Ragman, the protector of society’s forgotten, with his own strained faith.”

“Could the souls he has consigned to redeem themselves within his suit have the answers he needs about the great beyond? What mysteries surround Rory’s own father? Gage and Segovia give readers a look inside one of the DCU’s most unique and peculiar heroes in this one-shot event.”