Reading – DC Universe Holiday Special ’09
The 80-page DC Universe Holiday Special ’09 gives us sixteen different stories ranging from the awesome Batman story, “Silent Knight,” to the kinda fun Captain Marvel story, “Home for Christmas.” There are a few stinkers, but rather than blow time talking about what I didn’t like I’m gonna touch on my favorite stories in the comic.
“Silent Knight,” by Jay Faerber and Peter Nguyen
Maybe it’s cheating to say that the Batman story is my favorite one in the book, but Faerber’s story of Batman chasing a criminal dressed as Santa made me smile. And Nguyen’s fantastic artwork and coloring (see the image above for one of the panels in the story) blew me away; this is the way I like to see Batman shown in comic books. The stylized, dark artwork and muted colors work perfectly and even though it’s a simple plot it all comes together to create a fun Batman Christmas tale.
My opinion on this story is obviously not shared universally, though, because over in his review of the comic at Giant Killer Squid Auburn tears this story apart, saying:
“Batman beats up a bad Santa and then has cookies with good Santas? This wasn’t good. No dialogue with large panel layouts. Sorry, Bats. Just not feeling it. It was a bold move to start the book off this way but maybe it helped in making every other story seem better.”
See, I have the exact opposite opinion. I think the book started strong and the stories that followed it were weaker. And stories without dialogue or captions — when done right — can be every bit as fun and exciting as a comic loaded down with word balloons. No matter, though. I liked it and he didn’t. (But I’m right and he’s wrong, so listen to me when I tell you this short Batman tale is great.)
“A Peace on Earth,” by Billy Tucci
This five-page Sgt. Rock story doesn’t have a lot to say, but what it says it does with beautiful artwork and a simple story that shows two enemy combatants celebrate Christmas in their own way. Tucci’s artwork (see above, left) fits Sgt. Rock perfectly, and it’s easily some of the best artwork in the entire comic. Reviewer TheNextChampion, in his review at actually calls this the best artwork in the book and I can almost agree (though Nguyen’s Batman artwork is unarguably superior). And like TheNextChampion, this story makes me want to track down Tucci’s Sgt. Rock trade.
“Man of Snow,” by Adam Kaplan, Nick Runge, and Gabe Eltaeb
Superman encounters a snow golem and the young child who created it. The story is basically little more than an excuse to let Superman be friendly to a kid, but the artwork looks so good — and I have such a weakness for golems and snow — that I’ve gotta rank this up there as one of the best stories in the book. And it’s only four-pages long so it won’t take you much time to read it.
“Unbearable Loss,” by Scott Kolins
Deadman isn’t one of those characters I have much experience with, but if Kolins is working on Deadman stories anywhere else then I need to track down his work because this one was fun. And, very important for a comic, it looks great! And any story with the Scarecrow, and his mother, is going to capture my attention. There’s nothing I can say that won’t give too much of this tale away, but it’s well-crafted and gives you a peek at the Scarecrow’s mother . . . which is something I never really expected when I sat down to read this comic.
If you do wanna know more about this story, and you don’t plan to read the comic, the review at Giant Killer Squid gives it all away.
Reading the story is more fun than the review.
Closing Thoughts
$5.99 isn’t all that much for an 80-page comic, but considering they could have cut the page count in half and kept me happy it’s tough to tell anyone to rush right out and buy this. There’s really nothing here that is so spectacular that you need to own it (and at $5.99 it’s considerably more expensive then the fun “A Very Zombie Christmas” we looked at a few days ago), but DC fans may want to consider grabbing this one for some light holiday reading.
For one last review of the book hit this page at
I passed on this one this year. Also didnt get the Marvel one either. I was dissapointed with both of them last year. Dont think I will grab this.
@Smack6102 – I don’t think you’re missing anything important by skipping this. DC has posted the Batman story at their blog:
I like the batman story as a little homage to Silent Interlude. Perhaps not intentional, but either way, simple fun.