Reading – Dinky Toys
I have successfully managed to completely avoid one type of toy that tempts me: small, metal cars either old or new. Relatively low prices, a huge variety, and some crazy designs has me always looking at toy cars whenever I’m out in stores.
Well, while I may be doing a good job of not collecting toy cars that doesn’t mean that I can’t enjoy a book packed with photos of antique toy cars. Dinky Toys: Much loved Dinky Toys of the 1950s, a 144-page hardcover book packed with photos of toy cars, focuses solely on the Dinky Toy company (Wikipedia entry) and has very, very few words. (So I guess — like the Super Robot #1 book I mentioned last month — this is more “looking at pretty photos” than it is reading.)

What makes this book fun? The photographer, Kim Sayer, put a lot of imagination into staging the photos. There’s an image gallery at Amazon that shows off a few of the photos so I recommend checking that out. For the lazy ones out there here’s one of the cooler photos in the gallery:

This is a fun book if you like toy cars and photos of toys.
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