Reading – Juxtapoz Car Culture
Created for lovers of both artwork and cars, the Juxtapoz Car Culture* hardcover is a collection of illustrations, paintings, and photos that clearly demonstrate how close cars and artwork are to each other. Published last year (2009), this 200+ page book includes artwork by over twenty artists and photographers, with careers ranging from the sixties through today.
Following the same basic format as the Juxtapoz Illustration book (reading post here), with each artist introduced with a short bio and then a few pages of their work. Page after page after page of beautiful work.
Sara Ray
Above is artist Sara Ray’s (website “Pride of the Fleet,” one of the paintings in the book that I keep coming back to each time I open the book. Ray has other great images in the book, but this one has to be my favorite work in the entire book. How can I not love the classic car and warplanes wrapped up in a single painting?
Keith Weesner
Visit Weesner’s website for several examples of his work. Hot rods dominate his artwork, and like most hot rod paintings he also throws in hot women. Weesner even has tons of t-shirts for the true car nuts in the audience.
David Perry
Perry is one of a few different photographers featured in the book, and if you’re a fan of automotive photography then you’ll want to visit his website. Perry has both a mix of “just cars” and “cars and women” photos on his site, but the shot above is my favorite piece of his that appears in the book.
Dirty Donny
Clearly inspired by the works of Ed “Big Daddy” Roth, artist Dirty Donny (website) melds monsters and hot rods to bring us that vintage style of the sixties and seventies today. This is the stuff we see on skateboards, tattoos, and even the occasional t-shirt. Fun stuff!
That’s just a tiny sampling of the artists and art styles pack in the book. The complete list of artists (below) will give you hours of surfing time if you type each name into your favorite search engine, or you can just grab the book and sit back and enjoy the work without any effort on your part.
Anthony Ausgang, Jack Butler, C•Cruz, Jimmy C, Church, Coop, Dirty Donny, Marc D’Estout, Chris Froggett, Pat Ganahl, Bruce Gossett, Darrell Mayabb, M. C. McMillen, Pete Millar, Ed Newton, David Perry, The Pizz, Sara Ray, Charlie Smith, Thom Taylor, Peter Vincent, Keith Weesner, and Robert Williams.
And if you want even more automotive artwork then visit Motorburg. You’ll find forums, artwork, and tutorials. Anyone out there an automotive artist who hasn’t been sharing their work?
*Affiliate link: Orders using this link earn cash, which is applied to buying toys.