Reading – Juxtapoz Illustration

Juxtapoz Illustration is a 192-page collection of artwork by over twenty different artists from Juxtapoz Art and Culture Magazine (website, Twitter). I mentioned Juxtapoz last week while discussing their latest issue and at the time I realized that I had never pointed at this book. So, because I just had to, I pulled the book out again and flipped through it, admiring the artwork. I would say I enjoyed the text, but there’s pretty much no text here except for a short intro for each section.

Click to visit
Click to visit

Out of all of the artists featured in the book I’m gonna have to say that my favorites are Nate Van Dyke (website, blog), Aaron Horkey (he doesn’t appear to have a website, so I’ve posted one of his pieces of art below), and Jeff Soto (website, blog). There are other good artists featured in the book, but it’s the work by these three (in my opinion) that really stands out.

Click for Juxtapoz Illustration at
Click for Juxtapoz Illustration at

For some shots of pages inside the book, and a few words from someone else about the book, check this short review at Parka Blogs.

It’s a good art book and a decent introduction to the sort of material that’s in most issues of Juxtapoz.