Reading – Prime Targets

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You could tell when I was gearing up for Transformers week by the number of books scattered around the house. I’ve already mentioned a few different Transformers books that I’ve been flipping through lately but I’ve saved the best for last. A book so good that when I lost my copy I broke down and bought a replacement.
Prime Targets: The Unauthorized Guide to Transformers is 320-pages packed with story summaries, character details, and more information than I ever needed on the old cartoon, the Beast Wars and Beast Machines cartoons, and the British and American comics from the eighties and nineties.
This book is 100% necessary for any Transformers fan who wants the poop on every episode, good or bad, as well as every comic. When I first picked this book up — at a comic convention in Atlanta in 2002 — I spent weeks carrying it around and flipping through it. Whether you read it from cover to cover or just flip through it randomly it’s a lot of fun.
And the author studied the stories a little too long. He points out mistakes, continuity issues, and spends a lot of time telling us what was good and bad about each episode or comic issue. He even has a section titled “Ass-Whuppings” for those really good fights. And we won’t even get into “Bumping Bumpers” which is where . . . well, I said we wouldn’t get into it. Trust me, though, the author pokes fun at some “romantic” involvements in the series.