“Rebels Outnumbered. Vader Approaching. Hit The Deck.”
Decipher’s Star Wars CCG from the nineties (find at Amazon.com*) was easily one of the biggest collectible card games on the market when it was new. I’ve no idea how many tens of thousands of players got into the game, but there for a few years you couldn’t help but encounter the game at conventions and stores.
This ad for the Star Wars CCG comes from the back cover of issue six of Topps’ Star Wars Galaxy magazine (find at Amazon.com*). Looking back at these old issues I think Topps’ was producing the best Star Wars magazine at the time, and even today these issues strike me as a hell of a lot of fun to read. Now to figure out where I misplaced a handful of issues; my set is no longer complete!

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- BB-8: Sketch to Screen Video (battlegrip.com)
- 1997 Kenner Star Wars: Power of the Force “Hunt for the Ultimate Bounty in the Universe” Advertisement (battlegrip.com)
- “Your Inside Source for the Most Powerful Force in Toys!” (battlegrip.com)
Played a ton of this when I was in high school, but we ended up making the rules modified abit to use combat a lot more.
Maybe it was because we were younger but the game mechanics weren’t as exciting as say, MechWarrior or Over Power.