Remco’s Energized Spider-Man in 1978

I’m not the only kid who saw the commercial for Remco’s Energized Spider-Man in 1978 and wanted the toy, right? I can remember enjoying early morning Saturday cartoons when the commercial popped on the screen and it was suddenly the only toy I wanted . . . until the next commercial showed me something even more astounding. I have never owned one of these Energized Spider-Man toys, but what I can remember of the toy tells me that this newspaper ad isn’t completely truthful about what the toy looks like.

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3 thoughts on “Remco’s Energized Spider-Man in 1978

  1. I had this thing, and while I was super excited to get it, I broke it pretty immediately. The red c-clamp that hold the whole thing up broke first, and then Spidey lost a hand the first time I dropped him. He was made of some pretty brittle plastic.

    1. @rosewater – Aw. That’s sad. I still want one, but from what I can tell it’s not easy to find a complete one for a reasonable price.

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