Remco’s Energized Spider-Man in New Mexico

Discovered at a junk shop in Alamogordo, NM today was this fantastic Energized Spider-Man Copter from Remco. The box looked great, but the $60 price tag felt too high to me since the toy was missing parts. Still, I had to snap some pics and share because this toy is far too neat to keep hidden away.

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4 thoughts on “Remco’s Energized Spider-Man in New Mexico

  1. Whenever I see the Titan Series Spider-Man on his vehicles, I’m instantly reminded of this figure. Just like this figure, they look fun, though I doubt they’re as fragile.

    1. @Stunt Zombie – Agreed! Hasbro even made a Titan Spider-Man helicopter that looks like it had to have been inspired by this Remco toy.

      1. I have come so close to buying that thing a couple of times now. And I don’t even have any nostalgia for the Remco toys, other than seeing the ads in old comics that had been passed down to me.

        I think it’s the utter ridiculousness of Spider-Man having a stable of vehicles just like Batman, that makes the whole thing endearing to me.

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