Review – 7-11 Transformers Cups and Toys

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Unlike 7-11’s Terminator Salvation cups and toys (review here, these new Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen cups and toys don’t directly match up toy with cup. Sure, there’s a Megatron cup and toy, but there’s no Ravage toy to go along with the Ravage cup. But that’s not the most important difference between the promotions for the two different films. No, there’s a much larger difference . . .
The Cups
Obviously there’s someone over in 7-11’s marketing and promotions department that loves lenticular cups, because they’ve released four more lenticular cups (the Terminator Salvation cups also used the lenticular gimmick). I’m not complaining, since I also love the gimmick . . . when it works. I grabbed the two Decepticon cups when I was at 7-11 last weekend — a Ravage cup and a Megatron cup — and of the two the Megatron cup (shown below) works much better.
A significant change from the last Transformers movie is that Megatron now transforms into a tank. I don’t know why — I’ve avoided as many spoilers as possible because I do plan to see the new movie — but I don’t really care why. Megatron’s tank mode — a futuristic, alien design — looks much cooler than the spacecraft mode he had in the first movie.
The second cup, shown above, features the Decepticon Ravage, who was always a favorite cassette and still keeps his animal-like form in the new movie. I’m not completely sure what he transforms into — the cup just shows two different versions of Ravage, one looks more armed/armored than the other — but the Soundwave movie toy comes with a Ravage Missile. I hope they haven’t turned Ravage into a missile since . . . well, what’s the point of turning into something that explodes?
The Toys
I picked up two toys — The Fallen and Megatron — and they clearly show one of the biggest problems with Michael Bay’s vision of Transformers: These two robots look a hell of a lot alike. Where the original series and toys worked hard to make many of the robots look different — completely different shapes, styles, and colors really helped you to immediately tell which character you were looking at — the movies are so focused on the transformation process and alien-nature that a lot of the characters are tough to identify on-screen. Hell, when Jazz was ripped apart in the first film all I could do was say, “Who was that?”
Above (and below) we get a look at The Fallen, the big-bad in the new Transformers movie. Who is The Fallen? This entry at Wikipedia says:
“Although the Fallen’s origins are only suggested in his comic book appearance, they would be fully explained in Dorling Kindersley’s Transformers: The Ultimate Guide. One of the original thirteen Transformers created by Primus, the robot who would become the Fallen betrayed his creator by siding with Primus’s dark twin, the malevolent planet-eater Unicron. In the final battle between Primus and Unicron, the Fallen fell victim to the same fate as his master, sucked through a black hole into another dimension. However, while Unicron emerged in another universe, the Fallen was not so fortunate, finding himself trapped in the “underspace” between dimensions.”
The Fallen toy currently being sold at 7-11 looks pretty good, with a clean sculpt and paint job that shows that someone over at 7-11 wanted to take the time to do the job right. The face, though tiny, shows a lot of detail for its size and even the ridges along the edges of the head are beautifully painted. And at 4-inches tall this isn’t a small toy. There’s no articulation — which isn’t surprising — so its only real use will be as a shelf or desktop toy.
Which is a problem, since The Fallen toy refuses to stand for more than a few seconds. Just to take these photos I had to use a little tacky material to get the toy to stand straight and not topple over. I think the problem is the soft plastic that was used; something more rigid would have a lot more strength and not be as prone to collapsing.
The Megatron toy, thankfully, is able to stand on his own. He’s shorter than The Fallen (about 3.25-inches) but his design is much cooler so the shorter size isn’t a problem. Megatron has either been damaged recently, or is in mid-transformation, because his left arm is a mass of wires and there’s not a hand in sight on either arm. It’s gonna be tough to grab someone and shake them if Megatron doesn’t track down a hand.
Megatron doesn’t have quite as much paint as The Fallen, but the details that are painted are well done. Of the two toys, Megatron is definitely the superior piece of work.
Closing Thoughts
Like the Terminator Salvation cups and toys (reviewed here), these new Transformers cups and toys are inexpensive collectibles that will look best as a set in part of a larger collection. It’s unfortunate that 7-11 didn’t include bases for the toys because without stands, or some tacky stuff, some of these toys are never going to stand.
If you’re a fan of promotional toys then these are a good buy at about $2/each. They’re not fantastic, but the cups look good and the toys were well sculpted and painted. Transformers fans are going to want these but I don’t expect them to ever drastically increase in value or to become hot collectibles. They’re just fun, silly trinkets.
Philip Reed actually likes the cups more than he does the toys. Still, it would have been nice if there had been some real glass glasses for this film.
You guys are all crazy! Megs and Fallen don’t look the same to me. Megs has a beefy bruiser quality while Fallen is more lithe, like a Space Pirate from the Metroid games.
@DrNightmare – Well, they’re not identical but they’re very similar in design. Too similar for my tastes.
While I agree that they don’t look very much alike when they’re static like this, let’s face it, once in motion, they all look alike. You’d have to be a total frame-by-frame crazy fan to have any idea of who’s who from the trailers. Bay’s vision doesn’t do much for characterization on-screen I’m afraid.
Anyway, these guys seem decent for what they are and what they cost. I’m something of an articulation junkie though, so I’m not especially excited about these mini-statues.
I like the little figurines, but I questions the collectibility of cups? I find they live in the back of the cupboard for a few years taking up too much space and wind up getting thrown out…
I haven’t really kept up on any footage out yet, but the Fallen looks almost ridiculously Egyptian. I guess that’s what they’re trying to push, but did they have to take it quite so far?
King Tut head indeed. I see a “Double Vision” coming out of this guy.
Ah crap… I’d have loved a Ravage figure. But still, these guys are awesome! I realy like the overall design of the Fallen in this version as opposed to the Votyager sized figure out from Hasbro.
For what it’s worth, I never had any problem telling the bots apart in the movie or trailers at regular speed. Maybe I’m defective! ARRGHH!!!
Great review, man!
@TAO – I guess they had to have an Egyptian robot since part of the movie takes place in Egypt. The movie Fallen looks _nothing_ like the version of the character that first appeared in The War Within. (Which is a fun storyline.)
Are there any autobot figurines? Not a fan of the Fallen and Megs, but I’d probably pick up a Bumblebee or OP… if there were any 7-11’s in my area, anyways.
@funbuns – I’m pretty sure there’s both a Bumblebee and an Optimus toy and cup.
Normally, I would be extremely disappointed by these.. but it’s only $2, so you can’t expect much. These definitely don’t look as good as the Terminator ones though.
I’m not sure if you are aware, but Burger King also has some TF toys now. Are you planning on reviewing them?
@Samm – Burger King has Transformers toys right now? Really? Thanks for the pointer! I’ll have to go to BK today. (I rarely hit any fast food places and had completely missed TF toys at BK.)
I want a Slurpee, right now! I guess I’ll have to wait ’til after work and take my son, so he’s not pissed when I’ve got one…