Review – Batman Hot Wheels 1980s Batmobile
We looked at one Super Friends Batmobile from Hot Wheels back in 2011 (review here), but where that Batmobile was based more on the seventies we’re jumping to the eighties for this design. And while both are cool, of the two I’ve gotta say that I like the look — and colors! — of this Batmobile much more than that earlier Super Friends design.

Almost the Super Powers Collection Batmobile
This 1980s Batmobile* features a design that’s very, very close to the Kenner Super Powers Collection Batmobile from the eighties (see There are a lot of little differences between the two cars, but as far as I know this Hot Wheels toy car is the closest thing to that classic design that’s on the market today.

Holy Awesome, Batman!
As a general rule, almost any Batmobile is incredible, but there’s something about this 1980s Batmobile* that pushes it over the top and makes it one of the best Batmobiles Mattel has ever produced. I’m sure it’s just the similarities to the Super Powers Collection Batmobile — which means nostalgia is driving my opinion — but I like to think it’s also the classic blend of the 1966 Batmobile with the streamlined design and “eyes” on the hood that make me love this car so very much.

Look, the Hood Opens!
While playing with the car I noticed a rattle sound whenever I held the car, and turning it upside down revealed the opening hood and the engine hiding inside. We don’t get nearly as many Hot Wheels toy cars with opening hoods, doors, and trunks as we should, so seeing Mattel sunk money into giving this 1980s Batmobile* an opening hood makes me smile. And as one little bit of fun they even added a bat symbol on the engine . . . nice!
That’s a Lot of Metal
The blue body of the car — and the black hood — are all metal, which gives this 1980s Batmobile* a significant heft when you hold it in your hands. And as one of the pricier of the Hot Wheels toy cars out there — $7 to $9 in most stores — the car even has rubber tires on those yellow plastic wheels. Oh yeah, plastic wheels featuring bat symbols . . . there’s no question at all about how much love Mattel’s team sunk into this particular Batmobile.

Closing Thoughts
Almost all Batmobile toy cars are special, but this 1980s Batmobile* is one of the best and definitely one you should own if you’re at all a fan of Batman and the Batmobile. And I’m still seeing this in stores every now and then — usually grocery store chains and drug stores — so hunt the pegs before over-paying online.
Looks awesome, feels great, has rubber tires and an opening hood . . . is it any wonder that I’m still racing this toy car across my desk?