Review – Combat-R Zero “MK1 Mod 0”

Last year I reviewed the Combat-R Zero “Swamp” robot toy from Atomic Mushroom (review here). In the end I decided that not only was this toy so cool that not only should you buy one but I had to grab a second. And I’m glad that I did, because the two toys look great together.
The Exact Same Sculpt
As a platform toy, this and every other Combat-R Zero robot toy uses the exact same sculpt/tooling; only the colors are different. This is a great way for a small toy manufacturer to create a series of toys without suffering the expense of unique tooling, and robots are one of those types of toys that actually benefits from a variety of colors. And since it’s the same sculpt there’s nothing new for me to say; just read my earlier review or — if you’re only interested in how he looks — enjoy the photos.
Reviewed at CollectionDX
So here at you can look at two of the five colorways. For a look at a third, the Plutonium, hit this review at CollectionDX. The limited GITD version of the toy, reviewer Sanjeev clearly finds the toy as much fun as I do. And in the comments he writes the best line of the review:
“Excellently made, standing on its own merits…nothing pretentious about it.”
Absolutely. Everything about this toy shows that it’s a labor of love and not a pretentious attempt as cashing in on the designer toy craze. It’s a great toy, and one that you need.
What Are You Still Doing Here?
The problem with “writing a review” of a toy that I’ve already reviewed is that I don’t have much to say . . . and that leaves me rambling and writing nonsense around the photos. In the end I bet you’re more interested in the pics than my words, so I’ll shut up now and move on with life. This review is short and worthless, but if you combine these photos with my other Combat-R Zero review then there’s a very good chance you’ll be at the Atomic Mushroom website before the end of the day.
Don’t Miss toybot studios
And don’t rely on me to show you how cool this toy is. Jump over to this post at toybot studios for a series of photos and some information on the toy. If you don’t order one after looking at these pics then you just obviously don’t love robots . . . and that is a bad thing.
Philip Reed can’t wait for the next release from Atomic Mushroom. Another robot toy!
I still want one of these guys. I’m just too cheap. Plus I go through phases. I was totally going to buy one for a while and didn’t. Now I’ve moved on to something else to obsess over.
The red version is my favorite of
Atomic Mushroom’s robots. Nice
photos, Phil.