Review – DC Universe Infinite Heroes “Crisis” Green Arrow

“While on a South Sea cruise, playboy billionaire Oliver Queen was knocked overboard and washed up on Starfish Island. He fashioned a crude bow and arrow and lived like Robinson Crusoe until he was rescued. A short time later he was rescued and was back on the social scene in his hometown, Star City. Donning a Robin Hood costume for a party, Oliver foiled a robbery during the event, gaining the nickname Green Arrow. Resolving to become a crime fighter, he soon experienced firsthand the diseased underbelly of society he had previously only read about.”
— from The DC Comics Encyclopedia
Another release in the DC Universe Infinite Heroes line, Green Arrow is an okay toy. Not as bad as the Scarecrow action figure that I reviewed a few weeks ago, he’s also not anywhere near as good as the recent Marvel Universe series. If anything, poor Green Arrow here is nothing more than an adequate, relatively okay toy.
With articulation at the shoulders, elbows, knees, hips, waist, and head, Green Arrow’s fairly substandard for today’s 3.75-inch action figures. Mattel, get with the program and check out the competition. We expect more from a 3.75-inch action figure that we did twenty years ago. Hell, Green Arrow here doesn’t even have the “swivel arm battle grip” feature that G.I> Joe figures had back in 1983. And the head articulation? Forget about it. Green Arrow’s tunic is a solid piece that’s attached directly to the figure’s torso, completely preventing the head from moving more than one or two degrees to the left or right.
There’s very little in the way of paint on this figure, with most of the color coming from the molded plastic. The eye mask and beard, both painted on, is well done, though, and better than some of the Marvel Universe action figures (I’m looking at you, Punisher).
Green Arrow comes with his trademark bow, but unfortunately his quiver is a solid chunk that’s molded directly to the tunic; forget about giving Green Arrow’s accessories to any other figures. And the arrow’s in the quiver? Show only, as they’re also molded as part of the tunic piece, as is the pouch at Green Arrow’s side. So he’s got a bow. Yay, Mattel. Way to give us an exciting action figure.
Closing Thoughts
The more that I play with the new Marvel Universe action figures the more these DC Universe Infinite Heroes action figures look like junk. If these had been released ten — even five — years ago they would have been great toys. Today, though, Hasbro has too many much better 3.75-inch action figures on the market for anyone to get all excited about these. Which is unfortunate, since Mattel’s putting out a ton of figures in this series and it would be a lot of fun to have access to some great Batman villains at this scale.
Mattel, please do us all a favor and shutdown this line until you can figure out how to produce modern 3.75-inch action figures.
Do not buy this toy.
Update: I see that there’s a review at that just went up. If you’d like another look at this action figure, take a look at that review. The conclusion isn’t very favorable:
“Green Arrow almost climbs into an acceptable category on the shoulders of his good sculpt, but a terrible articulation model along with questionable levels of fun and value make him a pretty poor toy. “
Philip Reed finds himself growing more and more frustrated with the Infinite Heroes series. What should have been an awesome action figure line has fast become nothing more than a disappointment.
Green Arrow is, hands down, one of my top five favorite superheroes, too bad that the toy isn’t as solid as it should be.
Yeah, it’s real frustrating to see all these DC characters wasted. Especially when you see some of the sculpts ain’t half bad.