Review – Disney Motors Dream Star

While I was in Hong Kong last month I ran across a display of Takara’s Disney Motors toy cars at the good ToysRUs (video here). Well, it’s now time to look at one of the pieces in the line, the Dream Star featuring a design and graphics inspired by Runaway Brain (Wikipedia). I paid just a little more than I would have if I had bought the car on ebay, but when I factor in what shipping would cost I think I did just fine.

Metal and Plastic
This is a heavy, well-produced toy car that’s mostly metal. The mouse ears roof of the car, as well as the wheels, tires, and windshield are all plastic while the rest of the car is diecast metal. When you hold the car the first thing you notice is that it’s definitely heavier and more durable than your standard $1 Hot Wheels toy car. It’s definitely worth the $5 to $6 you’ll pay if you track one of these down for your own collection.

As you can see by the pics, this is a classic roadster with a heavily modified windshield and roof section that gives it the Mickey Mouse look. It’s possible that this is a modification of a toy car design that Takara already owned, but the Disney license is big enough that I wouldn’t be surprised to hear that Takara sculpted the entirely car specifically for this release. Either way, it’s perfect with a fun design and smooth, mechanical lines. The addition of the mouse-eared tire cover on the back of the car is a nice touch.

A mix of tampo and paint, the Dream Star is mostly clean with just a couple of weak spots. The teeth designs on the sides, for example, needed a richer black base, as did the mouse image on the hood. The silver along the edge of the hood is a little fuzzy in one spot, but to be honest none of these issues are even visible when you drop the car in a display case. Obviously, I need to shut up and just enjoy the car’s design.

Closing Thoughts
This Disney Motors Dream Star isn’t for anyone who wants authentic-styled toy cars, but if you’re into some of the more bizarre of the Hot Wheels cars on the market then this will fit right in with your collection. It’s cute, bright, durable, and one of the better-manufactured toy cars I’ve seen lately. Everything about it marks it as a quality piece and, unfortunately, it makes me want to see what other toy cars from Takara look like.

Philip Reed has other Disney Motors cars from Hong Kong, as well as several more toys from the trip that he just hasn’t had a chance to open.