Review – Dr. Wu “Eyesight” Hercules Upgrade

You can be certain to see the unofficial Devastator, Hercules, appear in my Transforming Collections book if the project is successful (visit Kickstarter) because it is the most ambitious completed third party project so far. At $100/each the six robots required to build Hercules don’t come cheap, but as proof that the Hercules toys were successful we’re now seeing third party manufacturers create upgrades for Hercules. Unofficial accessories for unofficial toys? Okay, I’ve gotta take a look at this.

Titled Eyesight, this Hercules upgrade (search for Hercules toys at site sponsor TFSource) is priced at $8/each and is nothing more than a plastic casing wrapped around a small LED. Above you can see the basic design; the post plugs into the various sockets on the Hercules team robots and while the black pieces work beautifully with the design the one green one I got isn’t an exact match in color and stands out as a little odd. The color problem isn’t massive, but it is annoying since I was expecting the greens to blend together perfectly.

A Simple and Fun Accessory
There’s really not much to this accessory, but the addition of working lights to the robots is a great idea and other than the green mismatch this is a fun accessory. I know that I should probably be ashamed of myself for buying three of these . . . but does it make it worse that now that I have these in my hands I’m kinda wishing that I had ordered enough of the little lights to equip each of the six robots with two lights? Yeah, I probably shouldn’t admit that since it makes me sound quite sad.

Not Much to Say
Such a tiny accessory doesn’t deserve many words. If I were to buy more of these I would stick with the black ones only. It’s neat and all that the black include red lights and the green include blue lights, but that mismatched green just annoys me and I would rather go with all black pieces than have spots of a strange green decorating my robots. This accessory clearly isn’t for everyone; after all, not all of us can be insane and spend $8 for a tiny piece of plastic with a little light.

If you’re unfamiliar with the Hercules series I suggest taking a look at my earlier reviews — reviews: Structor review here, Heavy Labor review here, Exgraver review here and TFSource review: Neckbreaker review here — and then running in terror before you find yourself buying these robots at $100/each. They’re really worth it, and I am now taking a look at some of the other upgrade kits for this excellent set of unofficial Constructicons.

Philip Reed has the MakeToys Green Giant on pre-order and can’t wait to see how that unofficial Devastator compares to the Hercules unofficial Devastator. Two Devastators in one year? That’s crazy!
What is the diameter of the peg/hole? I think I want to integrate some holes into some upcoming Kaiju Kaos robot designs. 🙂
Aren’t these supposed to be used behind the head of the combined mode, to light Devastator’s eyes up?
@fdsf – That’s one use. Basically, anywhere you want to plug them in is fair game.
@Stratos – I don’t have a micrometer here but I think these are standard 5mm.