Review – G.I. Joe Combat Squad Backblast (8-inch)

Part of the G.I. Joe: Combat Squad from 2007 — one of two named lines of 8-inch G.I. Joe action figures that follow the Sigma 6 ( search*) style, Backblast is right out of the ToysRUs exclusive Land * Sea * Air box set* and is, as the review at Sigma 6 Central tells us, a repaint of the Grand Slam action figure. The Sigma 6 Central review of this figure isn’t glowing, but since I don’t own Grand Slam this Backblast is completely new to me . . . and I bet that dramatically affected my own thoughts on the toy.

The first “bruiser” character I’ve opened, Backblast fits the Sigma 6 ( search*) design sense perfectly and looks great. Those blocky, massive arms and the sharp angles on the figure just make me far too happy, and the over-sized feet not only look great but also help make the figure quite stable on the shelf. Yeah, I’m definitely sold on the Sigma 6 character designs.

Backblast pretty much follows the same articulation we’ve seen in the other figures in the line (see my Zartan review for a look at the articulation) with one change: the ankles swivel at the boots. This is new, and I’m assuming it’s because the design’s feet were simply so big that Hasbro had to tool the feet up completely separate from the lower leg. Or not. I’m no expert, I just know that his feet swivel when the other figures I’ve reviewed so far don’t have swivel feet.

Fairly nice work, but Hasbro went a little cheap on the paint apps when it came to the joints so there’s some weirdness in places. Look at the wrists in the photos and you’ll see where the flesh-colored plastic of the forearm hasn’t been painted where it meets the brown gloves. That feels to me like a fairly big mistake on what has otherwise been a line with decent paint apps. The Sigma 6 Central review does call this set the “swan song” of the line, though, so I assume that by this point Hasbro was cutting every expense they could from the toys.

The Sigma 6 ( search*) line seems to be all about loading the toys down with gear, and Backblast comes nicely equipped with:
- Helmet – Removable, looks great, and the translucent plastic that lets the figure’s eyes show through the visor is a nice touch.
- Pistol – Hey, I can’t find the pistol! Now I have to try to track down the pistol on eBay. I bet this is gonna be hell.
- Rifle – Big, which is fitting for a figure of this size, and very easy to fit into his hand.
- Thunder Cannon – This comes with everything needed to use it as a shoulder-fired spring-launched missile or as more of a mortar-like weapon. The trigger is very sensitive, the spring strong, and if you’re not careful you’ll find yourself under the coffee table searching for the missile.
- Canteen – It’s okay, but it would be cooler if there was a place to snap this on one of his thighs.

Closing Thoughts
When you’re just discovering the Sigma 6 ( search*) line — like I am — the ability to snag three figures in a single box is pretty nice. My inexperience with the line means I find the toy quite neat — I’ve got to take this toy out for photos! — where someone who was heavily into the Sigma 6 action figures when they were new found Backblast to be a cheap and simple repaint.

But even as a repaint, I can see where Backblast — and the other two figures in the ToysRUs exclusive Land * Sea * Air box set* — would make a collector happy. He’s big, has some nice gear, and expands out the ranks of the toy line quite nicely.
And my favorite part of this figure has to be the way he looks with that helmet on; we need more toys with translucent visors!

Fear not! The pistol acts as the grip for the rifle; it slides out of the rifle casing. A few figures in the line have this.
On Sigma Six Central, which is an informative but somewhat poorly designed site, there is a link to ‘Tech Specs’ at the top of the review that goes into detail on the accessories.
@Dave – Thanks! I will get the post updated when I get time. Good news on the gun! So it works like the weapon included with Deep Six; that is very good to hear.
Man all these reviews are gonna drive up the after market Sigma 6 prices lol.
Actually dont beleive we got a wide release of these in Canada, at least where i am, so it’s nice to see em.
Keep the reviews comin!
@Court – Man, I wish I had the ability to affect the popularity of a toy line! But thanks, you’ve made a rough day a little more fun for me.
And more Sigma 6 reviews are on the way. The second review from this set is written and scheduled for later this week and the third is almost finished.
He’s an awesome looking toy. These later figures are complete surprises to me. I guess if they were still stocked around here then I just ignored them. My loss apparently cause these look like great toys.
Yeah, thanks a lot Phil for all the Sigma 6 reviews. It’s fun seeing seeing your excitement over this line, being new to it and all.
However, because of you I have about $80 out of my pocket trying to fill holes in my team. I’ve got Sky B.A.T., Zartan, and a Dojo Snake Eyes on its way, along with a couple of loose accessories I couldn’t find but a seller was willing to make a good deal with me, pulling only what I was looking for out of a listing she had up.
I know Dojo Snake Eyes sounds like a weird figure to want, but really I’ve wanted one since he was first announced. I told myself I just didn’t need another Snake Eyes variant, and he isn’t the most exciting one out there, but he will be the first one I have with the double jointed knees and elbows.
I can’t wait to see what reviews you’ve got coming, because so far you have only hit figures that I never owned, but definitely wanted at the time.
@T-Rav – I don’t know which ones I saw in stores because I just wasn’t paying enough attention at the time. But I am totally going to apologize to Hasbro every chance I get; I never should have skipped this line.
I read somewhere the declaration that this was the most creative line of the past decade. I wouldn’t go that far, but I would call it an underappreciated line.
I’m hoping my reviews kinda help others see just how neat the figures are.
@clark – I managed to get two cases of figures on eBay so there’s some Snake Eyes, Dark Ninja Master, and Storm Shadow on the way. And more!
As with pretty much every other figure in the line, the Land, Sea, & Air set is really great.
Dark Ninja Master is one of the most unique looking figures from the later end of the line, and like all of them, he has a ton of great accessories. Definitely one of my favorites.
Dojo Snake Eyes is actually really nice too. If I recall, Sigma 6 Central wasn’t especially impressed with him, but there had also been quite a number of Snake Eyes in the line by that point, it it was one of the earlier ones I got, plus had the double joints in the elbows and knees, which was a nice improvement. And again with the many weapons, though the coloring annoyed me, so I painted mine.