Review – G.I. Joe: Sigma 6 Snake Eyes with Ninja Armor

We already looked at one Sigma 6 Snake Eyes action figure last month — Snake Eyes with Timber review here — but since the Sigma 6 series ( search*) included several Snake Eyes action figures you shouldn’t be surprised to see today’s Ninja Armor Snake Eyes* review.

Still a Fantastic Series
I’ve written reviews of several G.I. Joe: Sigma 6 series ( search*) action figures over the last month or so, and what surprises me is that these continue to impress me. Hasbro’s designers did a remarkable job in making these durable toys with gorgeous sculpts, and I continue to chase down figures as I have the time and cash to add to my growing collection. There’s just so much here to love that I wish Hasbro would revisit and revive the line, even if only as online or convention exclusives.

Like the rest of the line, Ninja Armor Snake Eyes* is loaded with articulation that works. A quick overview:
- Head – Ball-jointed neck.
- Torso – Swivel waist and ab crunch.
- Arms – Swivel-hinge shoulders, elbows, and wrists.
- Legs – Swivel-hinge hips, knees, and ankles.
It’s all fairly standard action figure articulation design, but it also works and works very well at this 8-inch scale. I can survive quite happily with reduced articulation, but in this instance I haven’t discovered any stuck or broken joints so what Hasbro did worked nicely.

Ninja Armor Snake Eyes* continues the line’s history of loading the toys down with accessories with:
- Helmet – A simple plastic visor that slips down over the head to hide the eyes.
- Shoulder Pads – One for each shoulder, these armored shoulder pads are held in place with elastic bands.
- Shin Guards – These snap into place, covering only the front of the leg and not the reverse side. Each has a foldout blade and, I am sorry to say, neither one holds in place perfectly and sometimes fall off.
- Body Armor – A torso guard that fits down over the body and is held in place with elastic bands.

- Sword – The sword has two blades that pivot closed. It’s a neat design, but I haven’t yet figured out why those extra blades are there . . . I guess it’s because it looks neat. (And that’s a good enough reason when it comes to toys.)
- Air Brake Backpack – Giving Ninja Armor Snake Eyes* flight, this backpack has a button on top that, when pressed, extends the wings. To collapse the wings just fold them down. A simple design, but it works and looks fun.
- Staff – Actually, maybe it is better described as a spear since it has a bladed head. Anyway, use this to stab the bad guys.

So Very Fun!
Do you think the Sigma 6 series ( search*) reviews here over the last month have made it clear that I’m recommending the line to everyone? Maybe not a “you must buy all of these toys!” recommendation, but at the very least I am saying “buy one and try it.” Just don’t blame me if you love it and suddenly find yourself buying more and more of these older G.I. Joe action figure.

Closing Thoughts
I’m not saying that Ninja Armor Snake Eyes* is the best Snake Eyes action figure of the Sigma 6 series, but it is wonderfully designed, packed with accessories, and really demonstrates how much action figure prices have climbed; the toy was $15 when it was new in 2006.

He is indeed a great figure. I kitbashed mine into a custom Sci-Fi.
I never picked up this particular version of Snake Eyes, but he looks like a lot of fun. I think you need the Ninja Hovercycle to complete the package.