Review – Galaxy People “Skarthrax”

Time to pop open another one of the Galaxy People (blog, Twitter) resin toys and share him with everyone. This Skarthrax arrived last weekend and he immediately joined the other two Galaxy People in my collection — Asterian Parasitoid review here, Vesuvian Devil review here — on the shelves. And, as you can see by the pics, he’s every bit as neat as the others in the line.

The biggest thing to spot on this toy is that he’s decorated in a glittery, sparkling red that really pops when the light hits him. The shelf I have him displayed on doesn’t have any direct lights so the effect doesn’t work on my shelves, but it’s a fun enough idea that I’ll say it’s worth whatever effort went into painting the toy. Is that some sort of brush on or what? I honestly have no idea what the best way is to get this effect on a resin toy. Anyone?

Funny Teeth
I snapped a couple of closer shots of the head so that I could be sure that everyone had a good, tight shot of Skarthrax’s face: I know those teeth look funny and I don’t care. I love ’em! Those teeth are radically different than what the others I own have and this with the glittery paint makes him stand out even more in the group. Add in the gemstone eyes and you get one craft-fair resin toy that is sure to be mentioned the next time someone is over and looking through the display in the living room.

A Fun Series
As the third review in a line of static resin toys there’s not a lot I can say that wasn’t already said in my earlier reviews — Asterian Parasitoid review here, Vesuvian Devil review here — so rather than make all of you suffer I think I’ll just keep quiet and direct you to the remaining photos. Hopefully what you see here will make you interested enough in the line that you head over to the Galaxy People store and grab a toy or two for your own collection. They really are well-crafted pieces of art.

Philip Reed has probably three more intense weeks of work before his life gets back to normal. Things at the office have gotten so busy that he ended up cancelling two convention trips.