Review – Glyos System Unknown Sarvos

Line: Glyos * Manufacturer: Onell Design * Year: 2010
Note: This review isn’t for those of you who haven’t yet fallen for Onell Design’s Glyos System action figures. No, this review is completely for the guys like me who have not only started collecting these little guys, but also can’t wait for the upcoming new release. If you’re new to the Glyos System then I recommend you run now, because there is no designer toy line available right now that is as addictive and playable as these tiny travelers.
Unknown Sarvosi!
I don’t yet know what these guys are called, but I do know that they’re scheduled to be released this weekend at the Onell Design website. By now, every Glyos fan in the galaxy knows to keep a close eye on the Glyos Transmission Web Log for the announcement that new toys are available, so while you wait I thought it would be fun to take a few pics of these new yellow and blue Sarvos toys.
We’ve seen this particular Sarvos tooling before (Sentry Sarvos review here), but the plastic is a hell of a lot better than we’ve seen before. One of the problems with some of the Glyos toys has been building — the fit function is sometimes so tight that it hurts to build for extended periods of time — but these guys feel great. Matt and the team have really worked with the factory to improve the feel of the toys, and I can’t wait to start building with the figures from this upcoming wave.
Gorgeous Colors
I did the best I could taking photos of these two in the hotel room, but without my light tent I’m afraid I just couldn’t get the colors quite right. What you see here is pretty close to the actual toy, and it’s awesome that in addition to the Sarvos in these colors we’re also getting yellow/blue and blue/yellow Pheydens. And what’s even better is that each Sarvos comes packed with a Phanost head! So if you’re looking for a Phanost in this colorway you’ll wanna grab two of each of the Sarvos figures this weekend.
(And just in case you were wondering, each Pheyden also comes with an extra head.)
Hand-Cleaning at No Charge!
Before Matt handed me these figures he took each one and scraped and poked and twisted and worked at them until he was satisfied that they were ready to explore the world. It’s crazy, but every figure that leaves the factory goes through Matt’s hands for QC and cleaning; even though these are factory-produced action figures each one is personally inspected and prepared for adventure at the Glyos HQ. Damn, that’s really not the way to mass-produce toys. But it’s the way these are produced and it’s a large part of the reason I respect Matt and the team so much. Besides just being friendly, generous, and toy geeks, they also really care about the quality of the finished work.
But I am biased, since I consider them all friends and they gave me these toys. So ask any Glyos collector if you question my judgment on this toy line and the people involved; I won’t be offended.
This Weekend, Gang!
The new toys are coming, I swear. In addition to the updates at the Glyos Transmission Web Log I’ve posted some photos at a new Flickr set. Just a few more days and you’ll be able to get these two Sarvos toys and a lot more.
If you need me I’ll be at PAX. I just hope I’m near a computer when this new wave drops, because I can’t wait to play the new game and score a few more new Glyos toys for my collection.
Philip Reed has way too many Glyos toys in the house, but he still wants more.
Beating a dead horse at this point, I know, but it excites me to no end that my favorite color scheme — yellow/blue — has not only made its way to Glyos, but also to my favorite sculpt. And all sculpts, really, save for Exellis himself.
Out of curiosity, since it’s hard to tell from the pics: what color is the neck on these guys? It looks almost as though they’re both painted grey…
@R – The necks are the same gray as the detail lines.
Thanks for clearing that up! Kinda follows the Sentry Sarvos scheme then, rather than most of the older figures where the neck’s the same color as the upper arms and thighs. Wonder if that’s the new trend…
they look amazing. Your flickr set is killing me. Matt has amazing things. I hope those rxh pheydens get relased this wekend 🙂
Love the bonus head! I tend to head-swap a lot with my figures, so the optional parts are definitely appreciated.
And thanks for all of the coverage.