Review – Glyos System Volkriun Rig

Line: Glyos * Manufacturer: Onell Design * Year: 2011
It’s not easy taking good photos in a hotel room using sheets and towels for a backdrop. As you can see, these pics are less than perfect, but I’m hoping the chance to see the new Glyos System Rig (Onell Design) before it is released (tonight, July 21) will make up for the poor quality of the photos. And you can always, as the Muppet Babies say, “use your imagination” to make my photos look better than they really are.

One Year Ago This Week
Last year at this time I was in the same hotel, at the same convention, taking pics of the very first Glyos System Rig (review here). It’s hard to believe that the toy has only been available for a year; in that time I’ve been around the world, visited dozens of shows, and played with more Glyos System toys than any one person ever should. And what’s really great is to see that the Rig continues to sell great every time it’s released, and I suspect that this army figure green edition is gonna vanish as soon as it hits the web.

Matt over at Onell Design has started using more than just paint on the releases, and this Volkriun Rig sports three different white tampos on it; one on each arm and one on the “front” of one of the mecha configurations. These are smooth to the touch and even rubbing my finger across the designs a few times doesn’t damage them at all. And what’s cool is that even the smaller figures are starting to get tampo designs on them. It’s a minor thing, but it feels like a big step for a small toy company.

An Old Mold in New Colors
This is the third time we have looked at the Glyos System Rig (first review here, second review here), and that makes it tough to say anything exciting because I’ve already shown you guys the sculpt a few times. But what we have here is a great colorway on a fun vehicle design (or robot, depending on how you play with it), and Glyos fans who have missed out on previous Rigs have a chance at one.

Closing Thoughts
A fun toy, a great colorway, cool tampos, and the chance to grab something that’s kinda rare makes this new Glyos System Volkriun Rig fun for me and a fun addition to my toy collection. Be sure to check the old reviews and then be at the Glyos Transmission Web Log tonight at 7 pm eastern for your chance to grab this toy and other new Glyos System releases.
Me? I’ll be working the booth at San Diego Comic Con. And probably carrying more toys home than I should.

Philip Reed ate too much last night and feels blech. It’s gonna be a fun day at the show.
Stop making me want things!
I had convinced myself that four different rigs was enough!
Best RIG yet! Just gets better and better! Thanx 4 the review/photos. Hope you aren’t workin’ yourself too hard…and gettin’ to hang w/ the Onell crew as much as you can. Say hi to everyone 4 me bro.