Review – Go-Bots Scrap-Bot

After the Transformers Rescue Bots Boulder review from a few days ago (review here) it’s time to look at this Go-Bots Scrap-Bot toy from 2003. We have Matt Doughty (Onell Design) to thank for this review; you see, Matt gave me this toy when I was visiting him last fall . . . and it’s entirely his fault that I’m now looking at every few days and then searching eBay. I’ll get you for this, Matt!

Vehicle Mode
Is it technically a “front-end loader” or is it a “bulldozer?” I can’t tell and don’t actually really care, because regardless of what he is based on Scrap-Bot here is a green construction vehicle that goes great with the other transforming construction vehicles in my collection (you remember Construction King, right?).

Scrap-Bot has small wheels that allow him to roll across hard surfaces, and while it may look like the bucket can raise and lower that’s not really what happens; the bucket just won’t go high enough to really matter. But I’m not stressed because I’m not keeping this guy in vehicle mode . . . after all, he’s a robot!

Robot Mode
Scrap-Bot may not have the auto-transforming ability that Transformers Rescue Bots Boulder (review here) does, but he still transforms between modes pretty fast with just a few simple turns and a robot is staring back at you. And what a robot! That head design is fantastic, and those scoop hands look goofy enough that I can’t help but love them. And what’s especially nice is even though they’re separated by almost a decade, Transformers Rescue Bots Boulder and Scrap-Bot go together very nicely.

As with Transformers Rescue Bots Boulder (review here), Scrap-Bot here has little in the way of actual painted details, with most of the color coming from the plastic. But what’s there in terms of paint is neat and looks quite nice . . . maybe even a little too nice for a toy that’s intended for younger fans who will only bash and destroy the toy. But what good is a construction vehicle that doesn’t get a little dinged and dirty?

Closing Thoughts
There really isn’t a lot that I can say except for: DO NOT look at the website. Trust me, the transforming robot toys shown on the site are incredibly cute, and if you’re at all enjoying the Transformers Rescue Bots series ( search*) then looking at the older toys will only make you cry.
And besides, if you look at the older toys then you may be bidding against me on eBay one day soon. And we cannot have that, can we?

Philip Reed hopes to next open the toy that he bought in Mexico last weekend . . . but first, another day of work.
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