Review – Hot Wheels Batman: Arkham Asylum Batmobile

It’s pretty sad when you have to go to another country just to find a toy car, but that’s exactly what it took for me to find one of these Arkham Asylum Batmobile toys. And that instant I spotted this in the Wal-Mart in Cancun I grabbed it; there was no way that I was gonna make the mistake of not buying this little car and bringing it home.

A Great Design
Not every Batmobile is fantastic, but this design from the Arkham Asylum game* is one of the sleeker and cooler designs we’ve seen in recent years. Fins are always a plus, and this particular Batmobile has fins that streak back to give the car an almost wing-like look. And the massive engine and that shiny radiator help give the car its awesome appearance.

As Strong as any Hot Wheels Car
This Batmobile is as sharp, durable, and fun as just about every Hot Wheels toy car that’s already out there in thousands of homes. It’s kinda impressive how just every release in the Hot Wheels series is a tough, well-made toy, but it shows just how seriously the Mattel team in charge of the brand takes their work. I may have complaints with how Mattel handles their action figure lines (and their safety testing), but it’s rare when I’m unhappy with a Hot Wheels toy. But maybe that’s only because I’m a casual collector of toy cars and not heavily into the line.

Is it for You?
Maybe. Are you a Batman fanatic who can’t live without grabbing each and every single Batmobile toy on the planet? Well, then of course you’ll want to find one of these. If you’re like me, though, and just pick up the occasional Batmobile then I’m gonna say that you should spend a little time checking stores for this design. It looks great and, I suspect, will probably not be available for long (after all, it’s based on a video game so there’s a good chance that this Batmobile won’t have the longevity of a TV or film-based design).

Philip Reed still hasn’t found an Animated Series Batmobile. The toy is out there somewhere, but not in the stores he’s visiting.
If I’d known you were looking for this Batmobile, I could have picked one up for you. At one point, I saw like 5 or 6 at once at my Target, and as recently as yesterday I saw some at the grocery store. It is a pretty cool design! With the Arkcham City game coming out in a few months, that might help this design’s longevity on shelves.
i dont buy these cars cause im on a budget but i will definitely buy if i see it. u didnt grab me one??
Man, I have seen these a lot in Dallas. I picked one up a couple of months ago because I didn’t know if it would be the only time to find in on the pegs, but since then I think I’ve seen it in most stores. Glad you like it. I bought it because I can’t help myself when it comes to cheap batmobiles, but this is not one of my favorite designs.
Also, since it appears all of the headlights have been painted on incorrectly (slanting down towards the fenders, instead of down toward the center of the car) it ends up looking a little funny.
I almost made the mistake of using acetone to just remove the headlights tampos, but realized that the body of the car is plastic, while the chassis is die cast.
Nevertheless, kudos to Mattel for giving us batmobiles in the regular hot wheels line. I didn’t want to keep spending $10 each for the 1:50 cars (although I would if they decide to release new ones), so about a $1 for the 1:64 scale is awesome.