Review – Hot Wheels Masters of the Universe ’59 Cadillac Funny Car

And here it is, the Hot Wheels Masters of the Universe car you knew was coming (last mentioned here). Unfortunately, though, I’m on another trip this week so I have less time than usual to force you to suffer through my nonsense so this “review” is gonna be focused on the photos. Which is probably all that most of you care about . . .

Too Much Metal!
Diving right in, the first thing I’ve gotta say is that the toy is actually too heavy for its own good. The entire body is metal and that means that it’s too heavy to stay up on its own when you try to release the frame beneath. I’ve got a photo down below that makes it look like the body is holding position raised, but that’s really just a trick . . . I knew there was a reason I spent so much time cropping and editing the photos for reviews.

But since we’re unlikely to wanna display the car with the body raised — that kinda makes it tough to see the art on the roof — I’m gonna say that this is a non-issue for anyone interested in this car. The car’s body is too heavy for the gimmick to work, yes, but I just don’t care all that much at the end of the day. It’s a durable machine and has some great colors.

Sweet Art!
The artwork for the old Slime Pit toy from the eighties (see decorates the roof of the car and it’s this artwork that is the reason to buy the car. But only if you’re both a Hot Wheels and a Masters of the Universe fan, because at almost $5 this is one pricey ride. Fortunately for me, I like both and love the green colors of the car so this one was easy for me to grab. But I know that a lot of people just don’t care enough to spend $5 on what should be a $2 or $3 car.

And That’s It For Me
As I said, I won’t waste a lot of your time today. This car’s either a buy it or not depending on your own personal tastes. If you like what you see in the photos, and if you already collect some Hot Wheels cars, then grab at least one of the cars in this series. But if you have any hesitation at all just skip this; you’ll be a lot happier in the end.

For another opinion on the line see this review at It’s All True. But really, no matter what you read online this series is something you’ll either want or you won’t. You can read as many words and see as many photos as are posted online, but unless the cars really speak to your inner geek just give the entire series a pass.

Philip Reed has one more car in this series and thinks that after he buys one or two more he’s done. Maybe.
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