Review – Hot Wheels X Star Wars TIE Advanced
NOTE: Please forgive the quality of the photos. I am on the road and snapped these shots using white posterboard, a couple of small lamps, and my iPhone. I do not have my usual equipment with me, but I had a little time and wanted to play with a TIE Fighter toy.
Mattel’s series of Hot Wheels X Star Wars toy cars and starships (find at*) is one of the coolest things to happen to the Star Wars brand in the last few years. As usual, the Mattel team does incredible work on the Hot Wheels line, and so far every toy in this cross-over series that I’ve opened has been an amazing work of art. If there is one thing Mattel always does perfect work on it has to be their Hot Wheels toys.

TIE Advanced X1 Prototype*
This small die-cast spaceship is a perfect representation of the TIE Fighter that Darth Vader flew in the original Star Wars movie. Looking at this, and thinking about the upcoming release of Rogue One, I find myself hoping that we again see Vader at the controls of this fighter in a live-action movie. I know I cannot be alone in thinking that watching Vader in the TIE Advanced would be a highlight of the new Rogue One film. Fingers crossed that this wish comes true!

Great Design!
If there is one flaw with the TIE Advanced X1 Prototype* it is that the Hot Wheels toy is such an exact match for the design that all I should really be doing is posting pics and saying “Look at this!!!” Seriously, all you guys need to see are the photos and you instantly know that this toy is well worth the cost. Hefty, well-constructed, and everything we could want from a die-cast TIE Fighter today. Awesome work, Mattel!

The TIE Advanced X1 Prototype* isn’t the only Hot Wheels X Star Wars toy vehicle that gets a nice display space at home, and I hope that Mattel continues to create these for many years to come because the designs are far too great for all of us to not buy many more of these toys. I know I have more to open, and I totally am willing to buy new designs as they are released. Seriously, this is one of the best Star Wars lines for the money; inexpensive and very well done.