Review – Ino Zombie

Almost immediately after my Screaming Pumpkin review went online I had a message from Ben Mininberg (blog, Twitter) asking if I had any interest in the Vinyl Junkies Ino Zombi toy that was unloved in his collection. Well, as you’ve already guessed I said yes. And I am glad that I did, because even though the body is identical to the Screaming Pumpkin the head is very different . . . and very monstrous.

A Horned Skull Beast
Why are there stitches running up the center of this skull monster’s head? I have no idea, but I know that it’s a great detail that gives the toy a lot of character. Obviously someone has been inside the noggin of this nasty beast, and I suspect that whatever they were doing in there is in no way good for humanity. For all we know there’s a satanic bomb trapped inside that skull and any second now this toy is going to explode and transform all of the other toys in my collection into skull-headed instruments of evil.
Wouldn’t that be cool?

Not for Everyone
I already know that there are some of you out there who do not find toys like this all that exciting. I don’t understand why not — look at him, he’s awesome! — and all I can do is hope that the more weird and twisted toys I show you the more likely you are to change your mind and finally spot a vinyl monstrous creature that gets your heart running. Is this Ino Zombi the toy for you? Well, if the Screaming Pumpkin didn’t have you searching the web to order one then this guy probably won’t either; I mean, this is a cool toy but it can’t top a jack ‘o lantern monster.

Closing Thoughts
The one nice thing about reviewing a toy that’s almost identical to a toy that we looked at earlier is that I can ramble as much as I want and rest easy knowing that if you want to know more all you have to do is look at the related review. See? That opening sentence was nothing but rambling nonsense.
Seriously, though, the Ino Zombi, while not as cool as the Screaming Pumpkin, looks great and fits in well with the Space Troopers and Screaming Pumpkin that I’ve got him sitting with on the shelves. And if you like what you see this exact design is over at Toy Tokyo for $40. That’s more than I paid (thanks, Ben!), but still not a bad price for a scary monster.
Recommended, but only if he’s not your first Japanese vinyl toy.
Philip Reed still hasn’t ordered more Screaming Pumpkins. There’s just too many neat things out there, and he really needs to be saving cash for summer vacation.
Glad you enjoy it. It’s nicely made, but just did not fit in my collection.
Very cool color selection, I really like the black eyes!