Review – Kaiju Eyezon

After looking at Matt Doughty’s Zoneye custom toy last week (review here) it felt only fitting that we look at Mark Nagata’s (website, Twitter) Kaiju Eyezon toy. This monstrosity was a gift from Mark, so keep that in mind as you read this review. And after looking at the two related toys — Neo Kaiju review here and Mini Kaiju Eyezon review here — you probably can already guess that I’m happy with the Kaiju Eyezon.

Fabulous Design
Roughly 10-inches tall, I’m not sure what it is exactly about that Kaiju Eyezon that makes me so happy but I’m pretty sure the eyes all over the body are a huge factor. That and the long, bizarre torso and spikes protruding from the body combine to create a design that just screams at me. And partnering this guy with the Neo Eyezon and Mini Kaiju Eyezon creates a great set of toys that look cool together. It’s really too bad I don’t have the Zoneye in resin or vinyl to go with this crew; that would be a perfect addition to the potato monster team.

Orange and green sprays over yellow (or is it green and yellow sprays over orange?), the Kaiju Eyezon’s paint is minimalistic but attractive. The only real detail work is on the eyes — silver with black — but it’s clean and without any sloppy spots. The paint isn’t spectacular, but it’s attractive and doesn’t detract from the design. But it also doesn’t really enhance the design; a dark wash over the entire figure would have really brought out the sculpted details of the skin folds.

Closing Thoughts
I know this is a short review for a monster toy similar to three we’ve looked at before, the Kaiju Eyezon is great fun and I was completely shocked when Mark Nagata gave me one. The shot below shows the three toys together, and I think everyone can see why I’m happy to have this trio in my toy collection.
And now I rest. Enjoy the pics, guys.

Philip Reed isn’t exactly sure how it happened but he has somehow built up a collection of kaiju toys. This is both wrong and great all at the same time.
On all Eyezons it’s all paint over clear vinyl. Daniel Goffin pulled once his apart and has seen that it is that way. They must have produced tons of this so they could sell it for 39.99$ which is a crazy price for such a big fella.
@Ralph – $40 is a great price for a kaiju toy of this size.