Review – KFC Flaptrap


I reviewed this exact mold last week (KFC Justice Badbat review here), so today I’m mostly just sharing photos of the Keith’s Fantasy Club take on Hasbro’s 1990 Wingthing (see the TFWiki). Wingthing, while one of Soundwave’s animal companions, wasn’t originally a cassette; that happened later as Hasbro and Takara found that repainting a Ratbat toy as Wingthing extended the life of their Ratbat tooling.

KFC, as you can see here, has to be thanking Hasbro and Takara right about now for setting the precedent that Wingthing is simply a repainted Ratbat.

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A Package Deal

Both Justice Badbat (review here) and Flaptrap were part of a set of toys that I pre-ordered from Big Bad Toy Store a month or two ago. I see that BBTS has the set up for pre-order again (BBTS product page here), so it must have sold well enough for everyone involved that more are on the way. I don’t see it listed at Captured Prey, but I also don’t see any mention of the set being an exclusive so your guess is as good as mine where else the set will turn up for sale.

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Fewer Colors

Justice Badbat (review here) didn’t exactly feature much in the way of paint apps, but as these pics show Flaptrap is even simpler in terms of color design, with the bulk of the toy made from orange and black plastics. The yellow eyes appear to be the only painted bits, making this one of the cheapest paint jobs I’ve seen the third party manufacturers ever use.

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A Nice Pair

The two together look pretty good, and I’m sure that as soon as my Mugan Vox replacement arrives the purple Badbat toy will fit in just fine. Displaying Ratbat-inspired toys can be a challenge — even this mold likes to fall over if things aren’t perfectly balanced — so maybe one day soon one of the third party manufacturers will devise a display stand for me that’s dedicated just to perching Ratbat toys. Actually, a stand that allows them to hang upside down would be really sweet. Someone make one for me. It could even be a stand that adheres to the underside of a shelf or something, that way the toys don’t take any extra space.

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Closing Thoughts

These pics and this review don’t tell you enough. For the full story you really must see my Justice Badbat review. You can expect to see all three versions of this mold in my Transforming Expectations book, which continues to come together. A little faster over the last few weeks as several new third party releases I’ve been waiting for are all hitting at once.

And that’s it. Enjoy the pics!

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