Review – Marvel Universe World War Hulk

“Betrayed by those he once called allies, and devastated by the destruction of a place he had come to call home, the Hulk has returned to seek revenge. His massive stone starship hovers above the streets of Manhattan, and his alien army has turned midtown into a prison camp for the heroes of Earth. He will never descend to the level of those who betrayed him, but he intends to teach them all a lesson they will never forget.”
— from the back of the card
I know it has been a long time since we last looked at a Marvel Universe action figure, but as soon as I saw this Marvel Universe World War Hulk* in ToysRUs he had to come home with me to join his fellow Hulks. So how does he measure up to the previous Green Hulk (review here), Grey Hulk (review here), and Red Hulk (review here) action figures? Great, and so great that he actually climbs to the top of the pile.

An Entirely New Hulk
I am completely surprised that Hasbro went the route of sculpting a new Hulk body to use as the base for this World War Hulk action figure. While they could have just started with the basic Marvel Universe Hulk body they instead started from scratch, and in many ways improved on problems that plagued the basic figure design. And what’s most impressive is that they went with a textured body instead of the clean, smooth body that we saw in the earlier figures. The Hulk’s skin — as you can see in the pics — is now a lot more detailed and it looks remarkable.

Articulation Problems
But while the new toy looks significantly better than the earlier designs — especially the head, which is now two separate pieces and has a more acceptable sculpt — the World War Hulk actually loses some articulation. Where the previous design included swivel/hinge elbows this one has only hinged elbows that reduce the Hulk’s poseability options. And the new cut thighs are great, but the hip joint pretty much doesn’t do anything now; it’s more a place for the leg to connect to the torso than it is an actual point of articulation. And while the feet are now swivel-hinged the sculpt limits the hinge’s useability and it’s like we traded the old hinged foot for a swivel foot.

But the Details Make Me Not Care Much About the Articulation Problems
Just look at the pics and I think you’ll see why I call this the best of the Marvel Universe series of Hulk action figures. I know a lot of people dislike this gladiator appearance, but the toy’s sculpt is so much tighter and involved than the earlier Hulks in the line that — to be at least — this is the clear winner. The armor on the left arm, the leg straps, the textured body; these all look great and I really appreciate that someone at Hasbro elected to spend the money to give us a new sculpt instead of just an adaptation of the previous design.

Accessory Problems
I know I keep coming back to complaints and problems with the toy, but it’s only because I love the design so much that I don’t want anyone surprised if they go out to buy their own World War Hulk. The harness is removable, the loin cloth is also a separate piece, and the shield snaps onto either wrist. All three of these accessories are excellent and really contribute to the look of the toy. There’s also an action figure stand but with a figure this big it’s almost unnecessary. But I appreciate that Hasbro includes stands with these now and want to make it clear the stands are not unnecessary for most figures in the series.

But the weapons kinda suck. The sword is okay when it’s carried on his back, but both the sword and axe do not fit the Hulk’s hands very well and he keeps dropping them. And posing him with the weapons in any sort of dynamic position is impossible unless you use something to tack the weapons to his hands. Both weapons’ handles needed to be thicker to work with the hands, and that would have been such an easy fix that it’s frustrating that this is even an issue.
But At Least the Paint is Awesome
There may not be much of it, but what paint there is was applied masterfully and the darker wash across the skin really helps bring out the details of the textured body. The painted straps and rivets, the painted eyes, and the armor on the left arm are all great and go a long way toward the look of the figure. I know this line has been kinda hit-or-miss when it comes to paint apps at times, but either every World War Hulk is near-perfect or I got extremely lucky with mine. I’ll admit there are a few rough spots, but nothing that makes me think of this as anything but one of the better painted figures in the line.

Closing Thoughts
Marvel Universe World War Hulk* is fantastic and has definitely renewed my interest in the Marvel Universe action figure series. Hulk action figure collectors must grab this guy, and if you do not yet have a Marvel Universe Hulk but want one I highly recommend that you make this your guy.
The weapon and articulation problems are annoying, but as a piece I’ll mainly just display along with his fellow Hulks I have got to say I am very glad that I grabbed this action figure when I saw him. A great way to start the third series of Marvel Universe action figures.
And I cannot wait to pit this guy against the upcoming Thor Frost Giant action figure (mentioned here).
Order Marvel Universe Action Figures from Entertainment Earth!*
Philip Reed should head off to work since today is the Christmas game day, but first he’s gonna play with World War Hulk just a little longer. Where’d that Hulkbuster go? It’s time for a fight!
Hmm, I need to see this guy in the flesh. MU seems to have largely dried up around me.
@Newt – Around here the MU figures have slowly vanished from shelves, but it looks like the new wave is hitting and the pegs are filling up again.