Review – Mega Heroes Cyber Force Major Stryker, Ballistic, and Attack S.H.O.C. (1995)
I mentioned the Mega Heroes Judge Dredd toys back in 2015, and now it is time we rip open a Mattel Mega Heroes pack from 1995 and take a look at the mini-figures. Today’s set isn’t Judge Dredd, though, but is instead from the other Mega Heroes line, Cyber Force. Based on the Image comic series (find at*), these Cyber Force mini-figures are toys from a time when things were very different than they are today.

This Mega Heroes Cyber Force Major Stryker, Ballistic, and Attack S.H.O.C. three-pack is a simple blister card, with the three toys held in place with the plastic shell. For being based on an Image comic book that offered up lots of artwork I’m actually surprised at how much the art is downplayed on the packaging. This set is properly referred to as “Code Red,” and the card back does a nice job of giving us a little info on each of the three characters in the pack.

Major Stryker
Multi-armed — and each hand carrying a gun! — Major Stryker features the most articulation of any of the toys in the pack: A swivel right arm that allows the entire arm to pivot at the shoulder and a swivel waist. If you think of the Mega Heroes line more as enhanced toy army men than proper action figures then you’ll be pretty close to the reality of the toys. Stryker is less than 3-inches tall and the sculpt and paint details are adequate; this toy isn’t one to win any awards or capture your heart.

Attack S.H.O.C.
The largest toy in the set, the Attack S.H.O.C. stands just over 3-inches tall and is articulated at the waist. Period. Since the toy doesn’t include a human face the sculpt stands up a lot better than the other two figures in the set, and looking at this makes me think that a Cyber Force miniatures game using these designs would likely look incredible on the table. The Attack S.H.O.C. mini-figure is my favorite of the three in the pack, but the limited articulation really makes this more of a display piece than something I’ll take down and play with.

The last figure in the set, Ballistic is the smallest of the three toys and the only one with a clear plastic base. Those dainty feet were never going to allow the toy to stand, so Mattel’s designers incorporated the base into the design. The swivel waist is the only point of articulation, and I believe the photos support my belief that this is not an attractive toy. The small size certainly doesn’t help the sculpt, but something about that face is more terrifying than thrilling.

Closing Thoughts
Mattel’s Mega Heroes series was never a success, and these Cyber Force mini-figures are a pretty good reason why you likely don’t remember the line; these toys are small, kinda ugly, feature limited articulation, and are entirely forgettable. The only reason that someone may want to chase these down is if they are a fan of the Cyber Force comics and would like some simple desk toys. Trust me, these are not worth paying more than a few bucks for the set. Not the greatest toys, but these are kinda fun to look back at for a peek into the toys of two decades ago.
I was never a fan of the 90s era Image stuff, but these look so over the top that I’m *almost* getting nostalgic.It is cool though that they had feature three female characters. Most modern toylines have gone the other direction (until very recently).
Also, an RPG pal online recently pointed out that you can pick up a POD reprint of Cyperpunk on RPGNow. These would make fantastic figures for a throwback campaign!
@Jay – I’m fortunate enough to have several of the old Cyberpunk books in print, but if POD is happening I may need to look into filling holes in the collection. Thanks for the tip!
I love both these and the Dredd figures. I have all of the Dredd figures from childhood and I picked up the Cyber Force ones about 7-8 years ago. They’re just really. Kind of like upgraded versions of Mattel’s G.U.T.S. line.
@Barbecue17 – Upgraded G.U.T.S.” sounds like the perfect description for these toys!