Review – Nerd One Steregon

That’s right, another toy from Matt Doughty’s (Onell Design) collection, and this time it’s a toy I reviewed last year. This Nerd One Steregon (first reviewed here) is painted up with a lot of great details, but since it’s basically the same toy I already reviewed this particular review is gonna be mostly a collection of pics.

Black Detail Lines Are the Best
The silver sprays and red of the eyes look great — and check out those teeth! — but I’ve gotta say that what brings this all together for me has to be the black detail work around the teeth on both the heads and the mouth on the torso. Great work, and makes me start thinking again about buying another Steregon or two to go with the blank red figure that I’ve already got.

I’ve Got Nothin’
Seriously, between the last review and the photos here I think you’ve got everything you need to know about this crazy kaiju toy. If you’re at all a fan of Japanese toys then you should track down one of these because the speakers on the head and giant teeth on the torso look incredible and the plastic feels really tough.

Philip Reed still wants more Steregon toys, but they’re just so pricey and tough to grab that he’s not crying too much about only owning on of these monsters.