Review – PerfectEffect’s Kingbat

Unofficial Transformers manufacturer Perfect Effect (which I’ve also seen as PerfectEffect, so I’m not sure which is official) did a good job with the Shadow Warrior toys (review here) . . . even if those Targetmaster-like Rumble and Frenzy toys were honestly just too expensive. And despite the price of those I though that Perfect Effect did a good enough job with the toys that I pre-ordered Kingbat, a Ratbat-like upgraded toy that looked like it was gonna be at least as good as the Shadow Warrior design.

Unfortunately, I have to say I was wrong. Do not spend your $35 on this toy. It just isn’t worth the cash because what we get is a decent jet, an okay melee weapon, and a questionable-quality bat. This is not the perfect Ratbat for our Cybertronian Soundwave (review here) for more than one reason.
Let’s look at the toy.

Sword and Trident Modes
Kingbat’s a melee weapon for use with Transformers toys, with the bulk of the jet/bat form turning into the tip of a trident that snaps into place on the included sword. The trident was a great idea but the weapon’s shaft — and the sword’s handle when it is separated from the jet/bat — is just a little too tight to fit into standard Transformers hand holes. It’s not an impossible fit, but it takes some jamming into place and then removing the weapon is a pain.
The sword being a separate part that can be used even when Kingbat is in jet or bat mode was a nice touch, and the translucent purple looks great, but the tight fit of the weapon with my various Transformers toys was annoying. Especially after the perfect fit of the Shadow Warrior in gun mode. I expected Perfect Effect to have the fit function down but I guess not.

Jet Mode
Much, much better, but it feels a little flat. Still, it’s not a bad representation of Soundwave’s drones in the War for Cybertron* video game and anyone looking to dress up their Cybertronian Soundwave who doesn’t mind dropping $35 could easily include this guy in the collection and it wouldn’t look out of place.
But if you’re looking for a new Ratbat . . .
Bat Mode
I could have forgiven the melee weapon mode if the bat had been fantastic, but Kingbat’s transformation requires one of those “thou shall not” actions that kinda breaks down a Transformers toy for me and is something I certainly shouldn’t have to pay $35 for. What is that? You’ve gotta snap him apart to transform him to bat mode. The trident’s shaft/jet’s cannons become the posts that connect the wings to the body and once he’s in bat mode those skinny shafts just do not look great.

I think the photo above shows how Kingbat just looks too thin and frail to be a proper Ratbat upgrade. This toy looks cheaper and less designed than the classic 1986 Ratbat (review here) and after as cool as the Shadow Warrior turned out I think I may have been expecting too much from this toy.

But What About the Quality?
This is a professionally-produced toy, so you do not need to worry about the quality of the plastic or the paint apps. In fact, this may even be a little better than the Shadow Warrior (review here), but only a little better. No, in general this toy feels quite durable and as if it will withstand light play and should last forever in a toy collection.
I have no complaints with the quality of the toy. No, my complaints are with the transformation process, the ill-sized melee weapon shafts, and the weak-looking bat mode.
Closing Thoughts
I hate posting reviews that say “Do not buy this toy,” but when something is this expensive for so little “wow” I just have to write the review and post it. I had high hopes for Kingbat and it kills me to have to admit that I would have been better off saving the $35 but it’s just how I feel.
That said, though, if the transformation requiring popping parts off and rearranging them doesn’t matter to you — and if you like the thinny look of the bat — then this may be your best chance at getting a Ratbat-like toy to go with your Cybertronian Soundwave. After all, odds are I won’t dive into manufacturing a Ratbat-inspired toy so there’s a good chance this will be the only one we see for several years to come.
Except for the inevitable recolors of this mold. We know those have to be coming. But I can say I’ll pass; one Kingbat is more than enough for my collection.
Philip Reed is on vacation, but you couldn’t tell by the way he keeps going to the office. Enjoy this review, gang, and expect more toys to pop up soon. What’s next? Philip has no idea.
I went for Ninja. Since they are also doing Rewind and Eject (two never-to-be-done Hasbro characters if I ever guessed on them), I want to see how it is in advance.
@DoctorKent – How is Ninja? At a quick glance it looked a lot like the Shadow Warrior and seems to even follow the same transformation.
@Phil – she arrived today with Protector. Ninja is…well, I like it a lot for what it is. I think that Rewind and Eject are just too far out there to be produced, unless they recolor/remold the new Rumble and Frenzy into them. Actually, now I’m thinking that is something they might do to get two more uses out of those molds. But regardless – yes, Ninja is very much like Shadow Warrior. I don’t have that mold, but I played a bit with Matt’s at SDCC. One quick improvement I noted was on the feet. Where some jackass broke the foot on the figure Matt had at the con within seconds because of the way the foot flips around for the transform into gun, Ninja’s foot just flips down without needing to make the turn.
If Hasbro never revisits Blaster’s two humanoid guys, then these are as good as it will get. Well worth the $30 ea if you like the characters.