Review – RealXNibbler (Hooded)

Would you like a lesson in writing bad toy reviews? Then follow along, as I attempt to post a review from San Diego Comic Con while operating on too little sleep, too many calories, not enough exercise, and race to beat the clock. At least the toy itself is great, because the review and photos are definitely less than I would ever hope for.
Today, July 23, 2011, if you’re at San Diego Comic Con then you should swing by the Onell Design booth for your chance at the new Real X Nibbler from The Tarantulas (blog, Twitter) and Real X Head. This is the same basic figure that I reviewed earlier this year (review here), but this time around the little guy was created without the topmost head and he comes painted with accessories. And if you’re looking for one of these today at the show then I suggest that you go for the hooded release, because the hood gives the toy that Winter Nibbler (review here) effect in this larger scale.

$80 for the Hooded Nibbler
If you’re looking for this particular release then be prepared to spend $80 on the toy, but the hood — and I hate to admit that the hood’s seamstress has escaped me — is really a quality piece. It’s got some thickness and heft to it, working drawstrings, and the entire piece feels like a lot of love into it. Between the limited number available and the quality of the hood and toy I didn’t feel bad at all handing over $80 for my RealXNibbler . . . and what was awesome was that I managed to get mine before the release. Some days it’s good to be in the right place at the right time.

And the Standard Hides Inside
And if you grow tired of displaying your Hooded edition you can always remove the hood — which slides right off — and then use a hair dryer to heat the plastic and swap the direction of the arms. Hell, you can do as I did in the late seventies (with my Star Wars Jawa action figure) and use the hood to represent one Nibbler and the vinyl Nibbler inside and you suddenly have two Nibblers! It’s the magic of a child’s mind at work . . . good thing my mind hasn’t grown up.

I Told You this Review was Bad
Take a close look at the above photo and you’ll see where I made a mistake when cleaning up the shot. See it? Look harder! And what sucks is there’s no time to deal with this since I need to get over to the booth and get ready to work. So in the interest of getting the information and pictures out there I’m going to pretend that this review doesn’t suck and go ahead and release it to the world. If you promise not to point and laugh at me then I promise not to speak of the size of the breakfast I had yesterday . . . ever again. That’s right. Seriously.

Closing Thoughts
The RealXNibbler (Hooded) vinyl toy from The Tarantulas (blog, Twitter) and Real X Head deserves better than this, but when they trusted me with an advance copy of their toy they took their chances on a moron. And this time the moron won; I decided to sleep instead of wake up extremely early just to snap pictures and write about a toy.
This guy’s gonna look great with his buddies back at the house and I fully expect all of the Nibblers that are released today at San Diego Comic Con to vanish.
Sorry for the bad review. Please ignore this entire post and see this post at the Glyos Transmission Web Log for the official release information.

Philip Reed can’t believe that anyone even reads these reviews.
Want want want!